For detailed information regarding student retention and promotion, please view some policies adopted by School Board’s policy document 6000.1 below.
Kradle To Kindergarten Preschool II follows some of the provisions in the school Board of Broward County’s Student pupil progression Policy 6000.1 with approved alternative promotion criteria listed below. There are very specific benchmarks and assessments students must pass as outlined below in order to be promoted. In Kindergarten there are expected benchmarks that kindergarten students are expected to reach by the end of the school year.
Student Performance Levels for reading literacy: In addition to the specific promotion criteria for reading literacy listed in the following table below, promotion decisions must take into account a student’s proficiency in assignments and class observations (based on proficiency levels to be determined by Kradle to Kindergarten II and/or the State Department Education) (F.S. 1008.25(2)) with alternative requirements that are aligned with the School Board. The evaluation of each student’s progress must be based upon classroom work, observations tests, class and State assessments and other relevant information. NOTE: No single assessment is the sole determiner of promotion.
Grade & subject Promotion Criteria’s
The student will score:
K Reading
# 1 Scores Instructional Reading Level B or greater on the BAS Reading (Benchmark Assessment System)
# 2 The student will score 48 out of 52 Letter names AND 20 out of 26 Letter Sounds AND 15 out of 21 Concepts of print.
# 3 End of year assessment student must score 60 words out of 100 on sight word recognition, word study assessment; student must recognize 8 out of 10 words beginning, middle and end sounds also recognize 8 out of 10 rhyming words.
# 4 Student class portfolio must show child’s improvement and progress including class assignments, observations and tests, based off student intervention.